Commercial Poultry
Poultry Feed
Otter Co-op has built a reputation for manufacturing poultry feeds of exceptionally high quality that meet and exceed the demands of the poultry industry. Our feeds are adapted to meet with individual customer’s requirements, whether large commercial flocks or specialty farms. Please contact us with your requirements and we will direct you to the right feeding program for your birds.
Broiler Feeds
Are you a Commercial Broiler Producer? Are you looking for an alternate feed company? Give us a call for a competitive quote. Our feed formulations and service combined with patronage payback, along with our exceptional feed efficiency means excellent producer returns.
Broiler Breeder Feeds
Broiler Breeder flocks is a specialty of Otter Co-op. Our feed formulations and service personnel are second to none in the broiler breeder business. High hatchability and exceptional feed efficiency place Otter Co-op’s customers at the top of the industry.
Layer and Pullet Feeds
Layer and Pullet feeds are available for all the currently popular strains of white and brown egg-laying flocks. Our technical staff is familiar with all the current strains as well as some of the “older” breeds. Our feeds are specifically designed for the different strains to provide maximum efficiency and flock health. We are also pleased to offer a full range of Commercial Omega Egg Diets.
Specialty Poultry Feeds
At Otter Co-op we also manufacture specialty feeds for different broiler markets as well as specialty egg markets. Our feeds are also meat meal free and manufactured to the highest standards to achieve the quality you are looking for.
For further information on all types of commercial poultry feeds, please contact our customer service representatives. They can be reached as follows:
Darryl Regier
Technical Sales
P 604 855 2459