ActionsWe are in the heart of Lambing Season, the time of year farmers and ewes welcome brand new baby lambs into the world. It's exciting, but with it comes hard work and lots of preparation. Farmers work hard to ensure the health of both the lambs and their mothers.
We caught up with Emma McFarland from our Otter Feed Division on her farm to get some tips and suggestions.
The first thing Emma told us was that as a farmer, you're making sure that you are meeting the increased nutritional requirements during gestation, this is essential to the health of both the lamb and ewe. This can be done by providing 14% Sheep text, or by supplementing with a vitamin mineral block such as the Sheeplyx tubs or the Sweetlix pressed sheep/goat block.
For more information on how to meet your flocks needs you can contact an Otter Feed Nutritionist for a free consultation.
Emma also told us that lambs must have colostrum in the first 24 hours post lambing to kick start their immune system. Providing a good quality lamb starter such as the 18% Otter Co-op Lamb Starter ensures the early growth in lambs and can assist in the weaning process.
Since babies don't come with a dedicated schedule, cleaning out barns and setting up lambing pens should be done weeks prior to your fist expected lambing to be prepared for any early arrivals.
Get lambing equipment and supplies ready and sterilized can help you be ready for the unexpected.
Having a emergency plan and vet contact information can be helpful in the event thing go wrong.
About 49% of total lamb losses occur at lambing (0-48hours), and further 11% occurring 2-14 days post lambing.
If you're in the middle of lambing season, please SHARE any photos with us by tagging us on social media:
FACEBOOK: @ottercoopfeed
INSTAGRAM: @Otterfeedandpet